2023-2024 Board of Education Goals
Student Achievement, Safety & Security, Fiscal Responsibility & Accountability, Communication, Policy Review
Goal I: Student Achievement
Continue to increase student learning through the STEAMS (Science, Technology, English, Arts, Math, SEL - Kindness Committee) Framework and maximize student potential by enhancing the quality of instruction.
STEAMS Education aims to bring FUNctional literacy to all. It promotes bridging the gap between business and educational goals to create a more productive and sustainable global culture based on teamwork. This educational framework is for all disciplines and types of learners with the goal of being more engaging and naturally successful for all members of any educational system. STEAMS is a framework for teaching across disciplines.
Enhance culture of District
Instructional Rounds
Read Aloud
Continue data to drive instruction through grade level/department meetings with district and building level administration
Common Assessments - September 2023, January 2024, June 2024
Midterm Exams - January/February 2024
Final Exams and Regents Assessments - June 2024
Improve Regents Scores
Review results with teachers - September 2023
Develop improvement plan based on analysis - September - November 2023
Implement improvement plan - September 2023 - June 2024
Increase Grades K-2 ICT programming from 2 to 4 periods
Track AP Entry and Performance
Continue to increase attendance and graduation rates
Further develop music program to maximize student learning growth opportunities
Combine ensemble groups to maximize lessons for 23-24
Conduct musical instrument inventory district-wide
Increase adjudication/masters for students (NYSSMA, LISFA, etc).
Provide weighted average for all advanced music courses
Initiate Parade Band leading to Marching Band
Update 6-12 Music Curriculum
Consider Music Leadership
Increase fine arts field trips
Initial planning for future music electives
Provide field trip opportunities for all students K-12
Implement JFK 9 Period Day
Implement Driver’s Ed. Program
Increase Vocational Courses
Goal II: Safety & Security
Ensure a safe, secure and orderly environment that supports student learning though a safe and healthy environment.
Review and Update Security Procedures and Plan
Update plans and present to community
Continue training for faculty and staff (AED, CPR, Active Shooter, CPI)
Continue to enhance Nutrition and Wellness Program
Replace outside electronic access controls
Enhance security camera coverage
Utilize Restorative Justice
Continue Restorative Justice Plan at CHS
Institute Restorative Justice Plan at JFK
Investigate Restorative Justice Plan for K-5
Goal III: Fiscal Responsibility & Accountability
Ensure fiscal responsibility, stability and accountability through a transparent process that has the support of the community
Capital Improvement Initiatives
Plan to utilize transfer to capital budget effectively
Explore outdoor basketball court
Address drainage issues on practice fields at CHS
Maintain optimal student-teacher ratio
Five Year Long Term Plan
Expand Community Resources Fair for Families
Goal IV: Communication
Build a connected learning community, broadening productive partnerships and services to meet the needs of all students and to more effectively communicate with parents and district residents.
Revise committee structures into Standards of Excellence Committees
Dates: October 17, 2023; November 28, 2023; February 27, 2024; May 7, 2024
Continued Website Audit - remove outdated links, sites
Follow action plan for mascot rebranding
Consistently use Virtual Backpacks at each school
Investigate virtual assistant for website usage
Provide updates to BOE on technological advancements and enhancements (push notifications, SchoolTool, etc.)
Goal V: Board of Education Policy Review
Continually upgrade Board of Education policies to ensure compliance with State laws and Commissioner's regulations.